Pacific Time.
For more i
nformation about how to join us on Zoom 1 or 2 scroll down to the bottom of this column.

– Saturday, January 25 – 8 am:  Planting Trees: Emerson Environmental Justice Ministry –Volunteer with Tree People:  treepeople.org/volunteer
– Sunday, January 26 – 11:40 am:  Engage Emerson:  Visualize and Thrive in 2025. Join us and each other for casual conversation about what we want for and from Emerson in the coming year.  Emerson Sanctuary.
– Sunday, January 26 – 5 – 7:30 pm: Roll & Write Party.
Join Rev. Chloë for a night of easy & fun games! Emerson Pavilion. Auction event.  Bid $25.  Contact Rev. Chloë. 
Thursday, January 30 – 6 pm:  Deep Breaths Meditation Group (Sanctuary and Zoom 1)
– Friday, January 31 – 7 pm: Improv For Your Soul (Sanctuary)
Check out what our neighbors at Sepulveda UU Society are doing! Visit https://sepulvedauu.org

Save the Dates:
– Sunday, February 9 at 6:00pm: Engage Emerson: Visualize and Thrive in 2025. (Zoom 1). Join us and each other for casual conversation about what we want for and from Emerson in the coming year.
Several interesting auction events coming up still have space available. Click HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.
UU WellSpring: Love at the Center Classes 6—8 pm, with Rev. Chloë: 1/28, 2/11, 2/25, 3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/13, 5/27 & 6/10.  (Zoom 1)

EVENTS – Open to All:

First Sunday of the month, after the service (Pavilion)
Friends, please join us after our Sunday Service to share food, drink, and companionship at our Potluck Lunch. You’re welcome to bring a dish to go around. Drinks will be provided. Be ready to fill out a card describing your dish. If you forgot to bring something, don’t worry – we will share.  And be sure to stick around afterwards to help clean up; we could always use a few hands to make light work.  It’s a great way to get to know people at church.
Second Sunday of the month, after the service
(Sanctuary – Online by Request.) 

Emerson’s Environmental Justice Ministry team meets once a month to take action for climate justice. Whether it’s local clean energy initiatives, national or global campaign projects with environmental movement partners, or writing letters to encourage voters to support environmental justice – there’s something we can each do to build a better future. Whether a new or longtime member – you are welcome and your action is needed!  For more information, see the Environmental Justice Ministry page in this website and contact Rhonda (rhondaplankrichard@gmail.com) for more information.

Discussion group is currently on hiatus. 
Contact LindaBeth if you have questions.

Next Meeting:  Monday, February 17 – 7:00 PM – Schedule change!
Zoom 2live2.emersonuuc.org

Our Book Group has  resumed our meetings on the third Monday of each month from 7 to 9 on Zoom 2. So the dates are January 20, February 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, and June 16. 

Our non-fiction selection for our February meeting is Disappearing Spoons, by Sam Kean. Emerging from the Periodic Table,  Kean masterfully fuses science with the classic lore of invention, investigations, and discovery.. Our March 17 fiction pick is Tom Lake by Ann Patchett. 

–>Join us via live2.emersonuuc.org. Zoom Meeting ID: 343 977 3791 or call (669 900-9128) and enter ID. Questions? contact louiserovner@gmail.com.

–>FMI -see the Website’s Book Group Page in the Community Activities and Groups menu: Http://www.emersonuuc.org//community/Book-Group

Moved to Fridays!

Every Friday, 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Sanctuary)
Join us for community, laughter and growth.
Classes are free but donations are appreciated. No need to sign up, just show up!

Led by Katie Kirkpatrick

1st Tuesday of each month at  7 pm  (Zoom 2live2.emersonuuc.org).
– 3rd Sunday of each month after church:  Meet in Emerson’s Garden for a brief elemental meditation.

This discussion group explores paganism from a UU perspective.  With enough participation from our congregation there is the potential to become a local chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans (CUUPS). We occasionally pair with the Worship Committee to bring fun and meaningful content to the Sunday worship. We encourage all to come and check us out! For more information, see the Pagan Chat & Study Group page in our Community menu.

1st Wednesday of the month, 11:45 am – 2 pm
Next Gathering:  Wednesday, February 5 at 11:45 am
Follow Your Heart, 21825 Sherman Way, Canoga Park

Join with friends, old and new, to explore the advantages of a vegetarian lifestyle with the Mostly Veggie Lunch Club. All are welcome.  Contact Tracy Watson: tracyj.watson@yahoo.com or 818-620-9451 (text or call).

A place where you can connect, listen, and sing. All are invited to participate, even those who are not currently members of Emerson’s Choir. See the Music & Choir page in the Community menu for more information.

DEEP BREATHS: Meditation during a Stressful Season
Thursdays from 6–7 PM
In-person in the Sanctuary and Online on Zoom 1

Rev. Chloë will host this drop-in meditation group in the weeks leading up to the election. During this anxious and exciting time, take an hour of relaxation and reflection for yourself. She will start with a short reading, allow some space for silent meditation, and finish with check-in and reflection. This group is open to anyone, whether you are new to meditation or have been doing it for years.

One of the best ways to get connected in this congregation is by joining one of our Small Group Ministries, which meet once or twice a month. Learn more on our Small Group Ministry page under our Community menu, or by selecting THIS LINK: https://www.emersonuuc.org/community/small-group-ministry/


Meets 2nd Saturday of each month at 12 pm on Zoom 2.

We connect Emerson with the larger community via Instagram and participation in community events.  Contact Tess Lotta for more information.

*Zoom “Rooms”:
Zoom 1 is used for Worship Services and Board meetings:
NEW Zoom ID # 941 8596 3035
Password: chalice
OR call (669) 900-6833;
Enter ID # 941 8596 3035

Passcode: 1410162
Zoom 2 is used for most groups
(if link doesn’t work, enter live2.emersonuuc.org into your search engine (Google, Safari, etc.) or open Zoom and scroll down to or enter the Zoom ID.) 
Zoom ID:
343 977 3791
OR call (669) 900-9128 and
enter ID #
343 977 3791 and

Password: chalice
