If you haven’t already made or renewed your Pledge since March 2024 (for the fiscal year 2024-25) would you CLICK HERE TO MAKE THIS YEAR’S PLEDGE?  The typical time it takes to fill out the form is about 90 seconds.  We need everyone’s support.


During our Pledge Drive, starting in March of each year, Emerson’s members and friends make a financial commitment, a “Pledge”, to support the church financially for the coming fiscal year starting July 1st. Knowing how much you plan to contribute helps us budget and plan responsibly for the future. Your generosity will help keep Emerson strong and enable us to work together towards fulfilling our mission.

If you have found inspiration, support, enrichment, and community at Emerson, please consider making a pledge. You do not have to be a member to pledge. Pledges are definitely tax-deductible. LINK TO 2024-2025 PLEDGE FORM

Frequently Asked Questions:

How much should I pledge? This is a personal decision based on your financial resources and your devotion to our beloved community.  Here’s one way to figure out how much money to pledge:  if you often attend Emerson or Emerson events, 2 to 5% of your adjusted annual income may be appropriate. But if you are deeply committed, and want to be a “transformer” of Emerson, helping us live up to our visions, 10% would be good! If you cannot pledge as much money as you would like, your contribution of time, knowledge and effort are priceless.

How will my pledged gift be used? Your contributions are used for the operation of Emerson. They pay for salaries, facility maintenance and all of our ministry programs, including worship and music, religious education, social action, hospitality, caring network, and all other activities that make Emerson a resource for liberal religion in our area.

Am I expected to pledge as a member of Emerson? Yes. Financial support is one of the responsibilities of membership. Pledging makes it possible for the church to make a realistic budget for the coming year. If your financial situation makes it difficult for you to pledge, please speak privately with the minister, who has authority to waive a member’s financial support.

Is it possible to “earmark” my pledge for a specific purpose? No. Pledge payments go into the general fund to cover budgeted expenses of the church. Donations for a specific purpose are always welcome, but they are not counted as pledge payments.

How do I pay?  However and whenever you pay, please clearly mark it as a “Pledge”.   Pledges made for this year should be paid between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024. Most members make a monthly pledge payment, but you can pay it all at once or in other increments.  You may pay your pledge in these ways:

  • By making automatic payments through your bank’s “Bill Pay” feature. Your financial institution can help you set this up.   (This is the easiest and least expensive way for you and Emerson.)
  • Online at https://emersonuuchurch.breezechms.com/give/online or on the Breeze mobile app. (You can find these links on the “Give” page on this website.)
  • By mailing your check marked “pledge” to:
    • Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
      7304 Jordan Avenue
      Canoga Park, CA 91303
  • By dropping your check marked “Pledge” into the into the collection basket on Sunday.
  • With cash in the collection plate (in an envelope labeled “Pledge” with the amount).
  • With appreciated stock.
Will I receive a bill or statement at any time during the year? You will receive a statement at the end of the calendar year that shows your tax deductible contributions. You will receive an email giving the amount still owed on your pledge, if any. It is very helpful for our accounting purposes to fulfill your pledge before the end of our fiscal year on June 30.  If you need to inquire on the status of your pledge payments, contact our Office Administrator.

Is my pledge confidential? Yes. Knowledge of pledges is limited to the treasurer and administrative staff.

What if I can’t meet my pledge?  The pandemic has taught us that anything can happen during the course of the year: job loss, illness, unexpected major expenses, etc. If you find you can’t meet your pledge or part of your pledge, please inform the Office to adjust your pledge amount in confidence.

Please also contact the Pastoral Care team if you are in need of care and support.

Don’t let financial hardship keep you away from Emerson. You are an important part of our church community. We are all here for each other through good times and bad.

Link to 2024-25 Pledge form: http://Pledge.EmersonUUC.ORG

To make an online donation, CLICK HERE.


Emerson has two major fundraising events: the Fall Service Auction and a Summer Silent Auction.