Eco-Challenges: How You Can Help
The UU Ministry for Earth’s
Drawdown EcoChallenge
The Drawdown EcoChallenge is a customizable and solutions-oriented engagement program focused on reducing carbon in the atmosphere. The actions within this EcoChallenge connect to solutions highlighted in Project Drawdown’s work – research that maps, measures, models, and describes solutions to global warming that already exist. Participants choose actions, complete those actions, and track and share their progress using this robust online platform. When they check off their completed actions, they earn points and see the real-time impact of their actions. The combination of collective action, camaraderie, and friendly competition makes change a little easier — and a lot more fun.
For specific challenge activities and ideas for how to participate go to the Action Categories page HERE!!!
Our planet is in crisis – and to create a life sustaining future, it’s going to take all of us to do all we can. The good news is that YOUR actions make a difference – and there are solutions at our fingertips. In the spirit of caring for our earth all year, not just on Earth Day, Emerson’s Environmental Justice Ministry Team compiled actions we could each take in the lead up to Earth Day, April 2020, with recommendations in the areas of knowledge, personal actions & spiritual reflections, and advocacy.
We invite you to join our Eco Challenge and take action with us each week!
Let us know what you do: email Rhonda ( and Anna (
Week 1
- Learning – Watch these brief videos about climate solutions: Project Drawdown Climate Solutions 101 “Setting the Stage” and “Stopping Climate Change”
- Spiritual Reflection – Spend 5 minutes meditating in nature. Listen to the birds sing.
- Personal sustainability – Fast from single-use plastic this week, here’s how.
- Advocacy – sign’s letter for a just recovery
Week 2
- Learning – Watch this brief video about climate solutions: Project Drawdown Climate Solutions 101 “Reducing Sources”
- Spiritual reflection – Pray. What are you grateful for about being alive on earth right now? Reflect on what breaks your heart about the state of the world. What is one small thing you can do to address it?
- Personal sustainability – Evaluate your consumerism habits. Explore ways you can buy less – engage with a BuyNothing group
- Advocacy – Tell Gov. Newsom to declare a climate emergency – sign here
Week 3
- Learning – Watch this brief video about climate solutions: Project Drawdown Climate Solutions 101 “Supporting Sinks and Improving Society”
- Advocacy – Use this sample letter to write your own letter to your City Councilmember asking LA to move to 100% clean energy in an environmentally just way.
- Spiritual reflection – Pray. How have you been responsible for ecological destruction? What is one small shift you can make towards a just and sustainable future?
- Personal sustainability – Eat a plant-based diet this week – here’s how! Join the Plant Based LA group (see info in e-blast!)
Week 4
- Learning – Watch these brief videos about climate solutions: Project Drawdown Climate Solutions 101 “Putting It All Together” and “Making It Happen”
- Spiritual reflection – Pray. Reflect on your experience this last month. How might you more fully devote your life towards caring for our earth? Take one action, and then keep going! Join Emerson’s EJM group, which meets the 2nd Sunday of each month!
- Personal sustainability – Fast from silence. Talk to at least 1 person about your ecospiritual journey these 4 weeks – here are tips for talking about the climate crisis in an effective way. Reflect on ways you can take action
- Advocacy – You choose! Find an organization that fights for something YOU care about (suggestions here). Join their efforts by taking online action, volunteering or donating.