Paganism PNG Images, Transparent Paganism Image Download - PNGitemEXPLORATORY PAGAN GROUP
1st Tuesdays of each month
at 7:00 p.m. 
(Pacific Standard Time
Zoom 2

3rd Sundays of each month after church: Elemental Meditation in Emerson’s garden

On Tuesdays, we are currently online only, via Zoom 2:
Zoom Meeting ID: 343 977 3791
Password: chalice
Or dial: (669) 900-9128 and enter Meeting ID: 343 977 3791

Formed in June of 2020, the Emerson Pagan Chat & Study Group looks at Paganism from a UU perspective with the potential to grow into a local chapter of the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans.  We will travel through the Wheel of the Year, examining life milestones and other holidays, and creating rituals with our UU principles.  If you are new to Paganism we welcome you to join in and see if this is something that might interest you.

Each meeting we will discuss what it means to be Pagan from a Unitarian Universalist outlook. Examining the meaning of our place in the cosmos, understanding cycles and how they affect us, and exploring the various approaches to connection with transcending mystery and wonder.  We shall seek to consider how working with, honoring, and learning from the natural world and all who dwell within it is important for our spiritual work of transformation.

With the many organized traditions and solitary practitioners that are out there, this will be an interesting opportunity to share viewpoints and experiences from our many Pagan paths.

Overview of meeting:
1. Light chalice of connection – Uniting in our virtual sacred space
2. Introductions
3. Chat Topic(s)
4. Meditation on topic (may be introed with drumming or suitable music)
5. Brief summary (from each person) on what was gleaned and what to follow up/study on.
6. Break bread and share drink
7. Extinguish candle and close

Have ready for each meeting: A candle (in a chalice, cup or other vessel), something to drink, and bread or cracker (or the like).

Hosted by Nancy Watanabe (818-704-9273) – If you want a return call, please leave your name and number.

Book Of Shadows Wheel Of The Year Modern Paganism Wicca PNG, Clipart, Book Of Shadows, Circle,