Linda Fitzgerald, Worship Associate
This year, Easter, Passover and Ramadan all fall in April. That happens only about every 33 years so, this Sunday, we will recognize the special connection these holidays have. In addition, we’ll explore their relationship to the Spring or Vernal Equinox, celebrated by Pagans as Ostara just before April as well as the Pagan Beltane, also known as May Day, just as May begins.
All of these holidays comprise what Rev. Rebecca Bijur and I refer to in our Wednesday class as Seasons of Turning because this sacred time is a fulcrum of sorts. We are celebrating not just turning toward a new season, but also turning from bondage to freedom, physically, emotionally, and mentally. We are also turning toward a deeper connection to what liberates, nourishes, and sustains our spirits.
I encourage you to consider some questions before the service. What is turning or returning in you? What are you turning toward or away from in this season of your life? Why are you turning? Are you turning for yourself, your family, your community, Unitarian Universalism, other institutions, cultures, the wider society, the planet, or something else?
Join us this Sunday to explore how we can all turn our minds, hearts, and souls from bondage to freedom by resurrecting our spirits. Especially given all the spirit deflating tragedies we confront today, holding this time sacred in order to resurrect our own spirits, is incredibly important.
…and, if that doesn’t draw you in, we’ll also find out what this has to do with Multi-Level Marketing and bodybuilding.
Choir: Morning Has Broken-John Leavitt