The Gospel of Mom and Flower Communion

Mother’s Day celebrates the wisdom, strength, courage, endurance, and compassion needed to provide loving support. It is for those who identify as women to decide the definition of “mother” as well as to claim it or not. Calling oneself mother can be a source of pride as well as a source of pain. Having children should be as much a choice as it is an act of nature and chance. Mother’s Day also recognizes the pain and struggle sometimes involved with becoming and being a mother, however you define the term.

Rather than filter the wisdom of mother’s through me, this sermon will center the wisdom of mother’s themselves, shared with permission by those they raised and supported. If you have wisdom to share from a mother you love, please let me know. (joshua@emersonuuc,org).
The service will also include a flower communion focusing on the interdependent web of all existence and also reproductive justice. If you come in person, feel free to bring a flower. We will also have some here. If you join from home, please have a flower with you. I would also welcome readers for this service in person and online. Please contact me if you would like to read (

Julie Borden, Worship Associate