Three Good Things

Linda Fitzgerald, Worship Associate
Adam Nisenholz, Tech Associate

It’s been over four months now since all “non-essential” gatherings — including congregational worship — was shut down because of Covid-19. During that time, lives have been turned upside down; tragically, some lives have even ended. So it seems a good time to reflect on how this terrible virus is impacting us all, and what part faith can play in helping us move through it.

Rev. Anne Felton Hines was named as Emerson’s Minister Emerita after serving as our minister for twelve years. She retired from parish ministry in June 2014, having served congregations in the Pacific Southwest District for 30 years. Rev. Anne recently completed working as a Regional Transitions Coach for the Pacific Western Region of the UUA, and last September she was hired as 1/4-time Contract Minister at the UU Fellowship in Bakersfield. She also serves on the Board of the San Fernando Valley ACLU, and volunteers (before and after Covid-19) at Ten Thousand Villages, a Fair Trade store in Pasadena. For fun, she participates in a memoir writing group, continues weekly piano lessons and occasional recitals.