Bring Many Names

For some of us who are engaged in housing justice and social services with people experiencing homelessness, trying to explain “what we do” can be strangely confusing. Is it charity — or social justice? A hand out, or hand up? Is it a short-term band-aid, or a lasting remedy? And of course the biggest question of all, especially in a global city like ours where there is such a large gap between those of us with the most resources and those of us with the least – is it working?

In addition to serving as Emerson’s Affiliated Community Minister, Rev. Rebecca Benefiel Bijur works with St. Joseph Center to advance social and economic equity for people experiencing homelessness. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School and Yale University, she has served UU congregations and social justice communities in Southern California since 2010. She lives in Santa Monica with her husband and three children.

Todd Covert, Worship Associate
Adam Nisenholz, Tech Associate