KC Slack, Guest Preacher; David Early, Worship Associate
As people concerned with the inherent worth and dignity of every person, who value the interdependent web of all existence, we often find ourselves in awkward, difficult, and uncomfortable situations. We struggle to stay in community together, we struggle to have difficult conversations with friends and family members, we struggle to keep our commitments to justice, and we struggle to keep our commitments to our own well being. Each of these struggles requires presence – requires us to “stay in it” – and remaining present, even through the awkward moments, is a practice.
Note: Toward the end of her sermon, KC Slack mentioned the following websites, which you might want to check out:
wall-of-us.org offers weekly acts of resistance
safetypinbox.com provides several options for subscription boxes and one time boxes with information and actions for white allies, run by Black women (including the founder of the Ferguson Response network, UU Leslie Mac) and the organization will use profits to further fund Black women activists.
http://usecalltoaction.com/ to make phone calls and letters to your representatives easy.
Below is a video of the first 14 minutes of KC Slack’s sermon. (Unfortunately, the camera ran out of memory before she finished her sermon. Still you can derive much by watching this clip.)
The Emerson Choir, under the direction of Scott Rieker and accompanied by collaborative pianist Christy Marshall, will sing, “I Dream a World” by André Thomas.
K.C. Slack is a candidate for Unitarian Universalist Ministry. She is a student at Starr King School for the Ministry and is doing her chaplain residency at Providence Hospital.