FROM THE BOARD: An Open Letter from the Board Secretary

By Bettina Salas, Board Secretary


Dear Emersonians,

Today, on Mother’s Day, I attended a wonderful service that included several child dedications and a flower communion. The highlights for me were the families who introduced their children to our community in a personal, meaningful, and often humorous way. Judging by the responses I observed in the congregation, I know that I was not the only one feeling touched. Being introduced to the children through their parents created a connection between us that made me think that we need to offer more opportunities for multi-generational worship at Emerson. Sharing ourselves with others opens doors and is a great way to establish connections between people. Thank you to all of you who made this experience possible. What a delight!

Child Dedications

Flower Communion

As you know, we finished our annual pledge drive, and the Managers and Board have been busy creating and tweaking the budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2017/2018. We are not quite where we would like to be and are inviting you to an informational budget meeting to introduce some choices and hear your questions and opinions about our financial future. Please plan to attend this meeting on May 21 after the service so you can be prepared for a budget vote during our upcoming congregational meeting on June 11, 2017.

Attend the Congregational Meeting, June 11, 2017

Also coming up at the congregational meeting will be a vote on the change of bylaws. A couple of weeks ago, we held an informational meeting about this change, which was well attended. Your Board appreciates the opportunity to discuss issues before you get to vote on them as it gives us the opportunity to hear your questions and concerns. Please also feel free to attend any Board meetings, which are scheduled for the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Pavilion.

Last but not least, I would like to put out a call for volunteers in all areas of church leadership. We need you more than ever, and serving in any capacity is a great way to socialize with other Emersonians and understand what it takes to run our beautiful church. We welcome you with open arms.