Gather In Gratitude
Tracy Watson, Worship Associate EUUC Choir directed by Eloise Porter Music: Kevin Mathie On this Thanksgiving Sunday, Rev. Chloë will help us reflect on gratitude practices. How do we give … Continue reading Gather In Gratitude
Tracy Watson, Worship Associate EUUC Choir directed by Eloise Porter Music: Kevin Mathie On this Thanksgiving Sunday, Rev. Chloë will help us reflect on gratitude practices. How do we give … Continue reading Gather In Gratitude
There are many ways that we can give: our time, love, talents, labor, wisdom, and of course, money. We are appreciative of all of the ways that you contribute to this church … Continue reading “Give Until It Feels Good” – Stewardship Sunday
Melissa Marote, Worship Associate The ritual of communion began as a time set aside to welcome everyone to a communal table to share food and give thanks. Several members of … Continue reading Breaking Bread Together