Putting Down Roots

What might happen when we shift from expectation to gratitude? It’s easy to get caught up in all the “shoulds” of life, all the grand plans. But what if we took a moment to step back and smell the roses, literally? In this Sunday’s sermon, we’ll learn how the natural world can provide an incredible lesson on how to shift from expectation to gratitude, and in the process, create a sense of spiritual centeredness.

David Early, Worship Associate

Elizabeth Murphy is a second-year Master of Divinity student at the Claremont School of Theology and is an aspirant for ordination with the Unitarian Universalist Association.  She’s currently working as the Interfaith Program Assistant at the University of Southern California’s Office of Religious Life, supporting undergraduates building relationships across faith traditions. Originally from Pittsburgh, she moved to Los Angeles in 2017 with her wife, Hilary.

The Em Band will play this Sunday.