“Oh, the Places You Continue to Go! A Sequel to a Sequel”

Melissa Marote, Worship Associate

This year Emerson is celebrating 70 years as a UU congregation; congratulations! Let’s celebrate your many achievements, and also reflect on what’s next.

Rev. Hines is Emerson’s Minister Emerita after serving here for almost 12 years. Since her “official” retirement in 2014, she’s continued to serve congregations as Interim, Sabbatical and Contract Minister, though she is now fully retired. She recently became President of the San Fernando Valley chapter of the ACLU, and remains active in Brady United Against Gun Violence.

Special Music: “Try A Little Kindness” by Glenn Campbell
offered by Sharra, Sophia, Geo & Ramy Romany LINK Here

Stewardship Testimonial: “What This Church Means to Me”, Nicole Thibadeaux